Tuesday, September 16, 2008

First Preschool Treat

Tomorrow I am in charge of our first preschool treat. The theme is apples so I was trying to find an apple muffin recipe. Muffins would be easy for the kids to eat, taste good, etc. etc. Well, wouldn't you know it - my mom had the PERFECT apple muffin recipe for preschoolers. You top them with an apple ring before baking them!!! Bridget helped of course - such a little helper (can you hear the sarcasm? :))


Chris said...

I want KIm's recipe for those apple muffins!!!
Cousin Chris

Chris said...

Great! I got through this time! Have been wanting to comment for so long, but for some reason I couldn't. Have been following your blog through Todd. Those little girls are just the cutest, and if only their grandparents could see these pics...my Mom (Phyllis) just cried her eyes out when I showed them to her!
Hugs for you all, Chris
ps-visit my blog too...Chris' Rants& Raves

Lindsay said...

yummy and so perfect