Thursday, November 20, 2008

The birthday girl - not to be overlooked

In the madness of sewing like a crazy woman, our baby turned 3! It was definitley the last year we were able to get away with a family only birthday party - she flat out asked me why she wasn't having a kid's party - ouch :). We all had a blast - beautiful cake, great company and a brand new puppet theater! She "bought" the princess dress with her piggy bank money with Nana - I wonder who really bought the dress :)! I have to bribe her to get it off, she even wore it ot the Dr.'s office - they were thrilled!


Chris said...

Happy BD Bridget! does she have the same one as Kim??

Todd E. said...

Happy (belated) birthday, Bridget! Chris -- Bridget's is on the 11th -- one day before her dad's!

Todd E. said...

Hey...meant to ask...where'd ya get that awesome cake?? Geez, that looks like it was good!