Wednesday, June 18, 2008

She's Crafty - Birthday Onesie

Lucy has almost made it here a year - honestly, what a miracle. :) We have her one year pics tomorrow and I made her a onesie. I used a bunch of glue and beads for Bridget's first year onesie pics, so I decided to go with fabric for Lucy since that is my current obsession. Although it looks very minimal - this took forever! You can't see it very well - but the thread I used to stitch around the "1" is sparkly - I couldn't resist. Hopefully there will be great pics from it tomorrow!


Lindsay said...

Love those photos of the girls in the hills.
Great onesie!
Yeah, 1 year!!!

Megan said...

How do you have time to be blogging Lindsay - you have a play to direct :)! Hope it went GREAT!

Unknown said...

Wow.! That onesie turned out pretty cute.