Friday, January 30, 2009

The Sweater!

Well - I did it. I knit a sweater for a full size person - me! As some of you know - my attention span for any project is about one hour. :) My favorite knitting book is the "One Skein" book - all projects you can do with one skein of yarn. This usually means quick projects! So - knitting a sweater was a serious commitment for me. And it's done!!!!! I've informed many friends and family that I will be wearing it everyday with different pants. I may outgrow this phase, but I may not. And as usual, pictures must follow! Yeah for knitting!!!

The sweater - before the side seams were done, just laying on the table waiting for my mom to get over and help me!

The texture! I now consider myself a master at the seed stitch :).

This girl better be proud of her mama - or I'm giving this sweater to her sister :)!


Chris said...

I love that sweater! good job....

Todd E. said... always beat me...!

Megan...I'll bet Kim will be borrowing that's so YOU (and Kim!)..!

Fab job!

Chris said...

You're slow...........