Halloween was a blast for the girls!!! They hit a Halloween party, then both grandparents' house and then Bridget and Buzz Lightyear (Mr. Fletcher) when around the neighborhood with their dads. Todd is in town from Honduras and got to see the whole deal! Check out how Bridget just swoons over Fletcher :)! We couldn't have asked for anything better... (except maybe skipping the small fender bender I was in, bummer! There were no mermaids or crabs injured in the small fender bender :))

It's got to be his laser capabilities!! ;) You have to send me this one!!!
OMG... Just too cute for words...glad Todd made it...we had a friend who didn't! We had fun too, but probably won't get the post done until after the election, as we are planning a party here for Tues. night....Yes, we WILL have champagne colded up!!!!!
Love Bridget's swooning face. Fletcher is one cute little guy! Lucy looks so scrumptous in her costume, did you make it?
I'm glad you had such a wonderful Halloween.
Hey! Soooo fun to see all the tricks and treats in person...! Chris, you would have died at how cute the kids were!
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