Thursday, July 9, 2009

You can feel it

When everyone is content, calm, satisfied - you can actually feel it. No work, no agenda, no schedule (okay, this is a little hard for me:)). We were at Mantrap Lake for the 4th with friends. I'm pretty sure if Bill could financially pull it off he would retire now, move up there, and fish his days away. The days were filled with boat rides, fishing and tubing. The nights with fireworks, dinners and friends. It just doesn't get any better. Here's some proof of the total relaxation we had while there.

Gotta love this girl

Bridget likes sweets. I blame myself and every other person in her extended family because we all like sweets. We went to an AWESOME 4th of July picnic while up at Mantrap Lake with Billions and one of the activities was a pie eating contest. Bridget immediately bellied up to the table and went for it!