Well - we sold some of everything and had just a great response! We have our Open House planned at Sara's and then I'm going to put some things on
Etsy and see how that goes :)! Lucy came with me to the show while Bridget was at school and she thought she was the Belle of the Ball!! Lucy is sometimes lost in the whirl of Bridget right now - so she thoroughly enjoyed herself being the only cute toddler there.
On another note - I'm a little in love with dollar stores at the moment. I'd really never gone to one, but while organizing my the office and laundry room I was properly introduced to the dollar store. I'm now in love. We did some "boo bags" for friends in the neighborhood - dollar store. We needed a new tiara because Bridget's broke - dollar store. We needed Halloween candy - dollar store. I needed13 more shoe box size containers for organizing - dollar store. And amazingly it really was all $1 a piece. With the economy supposedly going to pot - stock in most dollar store chains sounds like a good idea to me :)! I also purchased these fabulously unnecessary Halloween headbands for the girls. Poor Bill - fluff, tulle and sparkly things will forever be in his future :)!!